How to Export and Import Statistics Faster Using DBMS_STATS in Parallel

When you migrate Oracle Database, you often need to transport statistics using DBMS_STATS. Also, during migrations, you want to minimize the downtime. How can you transfer statistics as quickly as possible?

Export and Import

The easiest solution is to use dbms_stats.export_database_stats and dbms_stats.import_database_stats. But, the procedures have no parallel capabilities. If you have an Oracle Database with many objects, it will take a long time.

Parallel Export and Import

dbms_stats also allows you to export and import statistics on schema or table level. You can use this to your advantage to run multiple export or import commands at the same time.

Imagine a database with four schemas.

If you export database stats, the database creates a list of statistics from all four schemas. Then, it exports them one by one.

  • Session 1: exec dbms_stats.export_database_stats( ... );

In contrast, if you start four different sessions, you can export one schema in each session and thus finish much faster.

  • Session 1: exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats(ownname=>'SCHEMA1');
  • Session 2: exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats(ownname=>'SCHEMA2');
  • Session 3: exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats(ownname=>'SCHEMA3');
  • Session 4: exec dbms_stats.export_schema_stats(ownname=>'SCHEMA4');


This benchmark gives you an idea of how much time you can save.

It is an Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) database with 1.400 schemas and 150.000 tables/indexes.

I compare exporting and importing statistics on database level and on schema level. For schema level, I divide the schemas into chunks and process them from separate sessions simultaneously.

Method Time to export Time to import Total
Database 4m 5s 21m 5s 25m 10s
Schema, parallel 8 57s 3m 58s 4m 55s
Schema, parallel 16 53s 3m 45s 4m 38s

I can save more than 20 minutes in this benchmark by doing the work in parallel. Between parallel 8 and parallel 16, there is not much to gain, probably because of contention.

How to Export and Import in Parallel Using DBMS_STATS

Here is some simple code you can use to export and import in parallel.

I haven’t coded for years, so use at your own risk 🙂

  1. Create a dedicated user for the statistics staging table and create a control table with the list of schemas to process.

    drop user statuser cascade;
    grant dba to statuser identified by statuser;
    alter user statuser quota unlimited on users;
    --Create the DBMS_STATS staging table
    exec dbms_stats.create_stat_table('STATUSER', 'DBSTATS', 'USERS');
    --Populate control table
       l_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
       l_stat_tab_owner ALL_USERS.USERNAME%TYPE := 'STATUSER';
       --Create control table and populate it
       --Order schemas by how many tables they have
       l_stmt := 'CREATE TABLE ' || l_stat_tab_owner || '.' || l_ctl_tab_name; 
       l_stmt :=l_stmt || ' as select o.owner stat_id, count(o.table_name) as cnt, 0 exp_status, 0 imp_status from dba_tables o, dba_users u where u.username not in (''SYS'', ''SYSTEM'', ''' || l_stat_tab_owner || ''') and u.oracle_maintained=''N'' and o.owner=u.username group by owner order by 2 desc';
       execute immediate l_stmt;
  2. Start any number of database sessions and run the code below in each. The code selects a schema from the control table and performs a schema-level export of statistics into the staging table.

       l_cur_stat_id ALL_USERS.USERNAME%TYPE;
       l_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
          --Loop until you reach "no_data_found exception"
          while true loop
             --Select a schema from the control table
             --Order by count (cnt) to export largest schemas first
             --Select for update to ensure only one session process a schema
             l_stmt := 'select stat_id from ' || l_statown || '.' || l_ctl_tab_name || ' where exp_status = 0 and rownum=1 order by cnt desc for update';
             execute immediate l_stmt into l_cur_stat_id;
             --Mark the schemas as "in progress"
             --Commit to release lock on control table			
             l_stmt := 'update ' || l_statown || '.' || l_ctl_tab_name || ' set exp_status=1 where stat_id=:x1';
             execute immediate l_stmt using l_cur_stat_id;
             --Perform the schema level export into DBMS_STATS staging table
             dbms_stats.export_schema_stats (ownname=>l_cur_stat_id, stattab=>l_stattab,statid=>l_cur_stat_id, statown=>l_statown);
             --Mark the schema as completed in the control table
             l_stmt := 'update ' || l_statown || '.' || l_ctl_tab_name || ' set exp_status=2 where stat_id=:x1';
             execute immediate l_stmt using l_cur_stat_id;
          end loop;
       exception when no_data_found then
          --"No_data_found" exception occurs when there are no more rows/schemas to process	  
  3. Now move the DBSTATS schema to the target database and run the import. Start any number of database sessions and run the code below in each. The code selects a schema from the control table and performs a schema-level import of statistics into the staging table.

       l_cur_stat_id ALL_USERS.USERNAME%TYPE;
       l_stmt VARCHAR2(1000);
       no_stats_imp EXCEPTION;
       PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(no_stats_imp, -20000);
            --Loop until you reach "no_data_found exception"
          while true loop
             --Select a schema from the control table
             --Order by count (cnt) to import largest schemas first
             --Select for update to ensure only one session process a schema            l_stmt := 'select stat_id from ' || l_statown || '.' || l_ctl_tab_name || ' where imp_status = 0 and rownum=1 order by cnt desc for update';
             execute immediate l_stmt into l_cur_stat_id;
             --Mark the schemas as "in progress"
             --Commit to release lock on control table					
             l_stmt := 'update ' || l_statown || '.' || l_ctl_tab_name || ' set imp_status=1 where stat_id=:x1';
             execute immediate l_stmt using l_cur_stat_id;
                --Perform the schema level import into DBMS_STATS staging table	
                dbms_stats.import_schema_stats (ownname=>l_cur_stat_id, stattab=>l_stattab,statid=>l_cur_stat_id, statown=>l_statown);
             exception when no_stats_imp THEN
                --An empty schema, i.e., no tables or indexes			
             --Mark the schema as completed in the control table             
             l_stmt := 'update ' || l_statown || '.' || l_ctl_tab_name || ' set imp_status=2 where stat_id=:x1';
             execute immediate l_stmt using l_cur_stat_id;
          end loop;
       exception when no_data_found then
          --"No_data_found" exception occurs when there are no more rows/schemas to process	  	  

Does Exporting Database Statistics Include the Dictionary Statistics?

I recently worked on a migration of Oracle Database to a new platform. The customer was sensitive to downtime. We looked at each item in the migration run book and asked: “Can we make it faster?”

We discussed exporting database statistics, and the question: Does dbms_stats.export_database_stats include dictionary statistics?

The documentation states:

This procedure exports statistics for all objects in the database and stores them in the user statistics tables identified by statown.stattab.

What exactly do all objects mean?

Let’s Find Out

Here is a little test case.

I gather dictionary statistics. All but 77 dictionary tables now have statistics (it’s intentional that some are left un-analyzed):

exec dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats;
select count(*) cnt 
from   dba_tables 
where  owner in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM') 
       and last_analyzed is null;

I export database statistics into a staging table:

grant dba to statuser identified by statuser;

I delete dictionary statistics. Now, 1674 dictionary tables are without statistics:

exec dbms_stats.delete_dictionary_stats(force=>true);
select count(*) cnt 
from   dba_tables 
where  owner in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM') 
       and last_analyzed is null;


I import statistics from the staging table. I am back at 77 dictionary tables without statistics.

select count(*) cnt 
from   dba_tables 
where  owner in ('SYS', 'SYSTEM') 
       and last_analyzed is null;


Conclusion: dbms_stats.export_database_stats includes dictionary statistics.

What about Fixed Objects Statistics

I can use the same test case as above (more or less). Here is the query I use to check for missing statistics on fixed objects:

select count(*) cnt
from   dba_tab_statistics 
where  object_type='FIXED TABLE'
       and last_analyzed is null;

The answer is: dbms_stats.export_database_stats does not include fixed objects statistics.

To transfer fixed object statistics, you must use the dedicated export and import functions.

Is It a Good Idea to Transfer Dictionary Statistics?

Well… It depends.

If time allows, I recommend you always gather dictionary statistics in the target database at the appropriate time.

If you want to transfer statistics, this is my recommendation:

Type Command Recommendation
Full export full=y Should be acceptable
Full transportable full=y transportable=always Should be acceptable
Transportable tablespace transport_tablespaces Hmm, not sure it’s a good idea
Tablespace export tablespaces=... Hmm, not sure it’s a good idea
Schema export schemas=... Hmm, probably a bad idea
Table export tables=... No, most likely a bad idea