How to Upgrade Encrypted Oracle Database and Move to New Server

Is Autoupgrade with TDE only possible for in place upgrade (same server)? Are there any ways to do it for out of place (new db home in a different server) with autoupgrade? It seems like the target_home have to be specified.

A reader asked that question on my blog.

The answer is yes; you can upgrade an Oracle Database and move to a new server. We are considering upgrading a non-CDB or an entire CDB using Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) Tablespace Encryption.

Move to New Server and Transparent Data Encryption

When you upgrade your Oracle Database, you often want to move to new hardware. AutoUpgrade fully supports this use case. Mike Dietrich mentions this in his blog post and video.

When you upgrade an encrypted non-CDB or entire CDB, the database must have an auto-login keystore.

There are no further requirements.

The Instructions

I am using the DB12 database from our hands-on lab. You can provision a lab and try it out yourself (for free). See the appendix for instructions on how to encrypt the DB12 database.

Old Server

  1. Always use the latest version of AutoUpgrade.
  2. Create a config file:
    • I don’t specify target_home because it does not exist on the old server. Instead, I specify target_version, so AutoUpgrade knows which checks to execute.
  3. Check the database for upgrade readiness:
    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode analyze
  4. Downtime starts.
  5. Run the preupgrade fixups:
    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode fixups
  6. Perform a clean shutdown of the database
    shutdown immediate

New Server

There is only one server in the lab environment, so I can’t physically move to a new server. But by moving the instance manually to the new home, I can simulate the same behavior.

  1. Move SPFile and password file to the new Oracle home on the new server. The below instructions work in the hands-on lab only:
    export OLD_ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
    export NEW_ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19
    export ORACLE_SID=DB12
    cp $OLD_ORACLE_HOME/dbs/spfile$ORACLE_SID.ora $NEW_ORACLE_HOME/dbs
  2. Register the instance in /etc/oratab:
    export NEW_ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19
    export ORACLE_SID=DB12   
    cp /etc/oratab /tmp/oratab
    sed '/^'"$ORACLE_SID"':/d' /tmp/oratab > /etc/oratab
    echo "$ORACLE_SID:$NEW_ORACLE_HOME:N" >> /etc/oratab
    cat /etc/oratab
    • Use srvctl as well if you have Oracle Grid Infrastructure.
  3. Move the database files (control files, redo logs, and data and temp files) to the new server.
    • If you need to change any of the paths, see the appendix.
    • Alternatively, unmount the storage from the old server and mount it on the new one.
  4. I want to use the new wallet_root parameter to configure TDE. I copy the keystore files to a new location that matches the naming requirements of wallet_root:
    export OLD_KEYSTORE=$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet
    export NEW_KEYSTORE=$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet/tde
    mkdir -p $NEW_KEYSTORE
    cp $OLD_KEYSTORE/cwallet.sso $NEW_KEYSTORE
    cp $OLD_KEYSTORE/ewallet.p12 $NEW_KEYSTORE
    • You should consider moving any backup keystore files as well.
  5. I start a new instance of the database in the new Oracle home and configure TDE using the new parameters:
    export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/19
    export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH
    sqlplus / as sysdba<<EOF
       startup nomount
       alter system set wallet_root='$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet' scope=spfile;
       shutdown immediate
       startup nomount
       alter system set tde_configuration='KEYSTORE_CONFIGURATION=FILE' scope=both;
  6. Start the instance in upgrade mode:
    sqlplus / as sysdba<<EOF
       alter database mount;
       alter database open upgrade;
  7. Create an AutoUpgrade config file:
  8. Start AutoUpgrade in upgrade mode:
    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode upgrade

That’s it! I just upgraded my encrypted Oracle Database and moved it to a new server.


Keystore Type

You must have an auto-login database keystore to upgrade it on the new server. Check the keystore type in the source database:

select wrl_type, wallet_type from v$encryption_wallet;
  • AUTOLOGIN – You can copy the auto-login keystore file (cwallet.sso) from the old to the new server.
  • LOCAL_AUTOLOGIN – The keystore file is bound to the old server. You must create a new auto-login keystore on the new server.

To create a new local auto-login keystore:

startup mount
administer key management create local auto_login keystore ...;
shutdown immediate
startup upgrade

Hands-on Lab

If you want to try the procedure in our hands-on lab, you can use these instructions to encrypt the DB12 database.

  1. Add TDE configuration to sqlnet.ora:
  1. Create keystore directory:
mkdir -p $ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet
  1. Create the keystore and complete the TDE configuration:
sqlplus / as sysdba <<EOF
   --Restart to re-read sqlnet.ora with keystore setting
   shutdown immediate
   --Configure TDE

   --Create data
   create tablespace users2 encryption encrypt;
   grant dba to appuser identified by oracle;  
   create table appuser.t1 tablespace users2 as select * from all_objects;


In the instructions, I am using the same paths for the database files. If you need to change the location of the control file or redo logs, then it might be easier to create a PFile on the source and use that instead of the SPFile.

If you need to change the location of data or temp files, it might be easier to re-create the control file. In this case, you need an alter database backup controlfile to '/tmp/ctl.txt' on the source database. Edit the trace file to generate the create controlfile statement.

How to use Transportable Tablespace with TDE Tablespace Encryption

You can use transportable tablespace to migrate your data between databases. It is a great way of moving your data. How does it work together with TDE Tablespace Encryption?

It depends on which kind of migration you are planning. The endian format of the source and target platforms (or operating system) plays a vital role.

First, you determine the endian format of the source and target database:

SQL> select platform_name, endian_format from v$transportable_platform;
  • If the endian formats are identical, you will perform a same-endian migration.
  • If the endian formats differ, you will perform a cross-endian migration.

Same-endian Migration of TDE Encrypted Tablespaces

It is supported to use transportable tablespace when you migrate to a different platform as long as the endian format does not change.

Oracle Database uses a two-tier key architecture which consists of two encryption keys:

  • Master Encryption Key (MEK)
  • Tablespace Encryption Key (TEK)

In the tablespace, the TEK is stored. When you use transportable tablespace, you copy the data files, and thus, the TEK remains the same. The data in the tablespace continues to be encrypted during the entire migration using the same TEK.

But what about the MEK? It is required to get access to the TEK.

Option 1: Use ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter

  1. During Data Pump transportable tablespace export, you specify an ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD:

    expdp ... encryption_password=<a_strong_and_secure_password>

    The encryption password is not the MEK of the source but a special password you choose for the migration only.

  2. On import, you specify the encryption password:

    impdp ... encryption_password=<a_strong_and_secure_password>

A benefit of this option is that the source and target database is encrypted using a different MEK. You can query the database and verify that no new MEK is added to the target database. The target database continues to use its own MEK:

SQL> select * from v$encryption_keys;

According to the documentation, this is the recommended option.

Option 2: Import Master Encryption Key

  1. You start the Data Pump transportable tablespace export.
  2. In the source database, you export the source database MEK:
    SQL> administer key management export keys 
         with secret "<another_strong_and_secure_password>"
         to '/home/oracle/secure_location/exported-keys'
         force keystore identified by "<source_database_MEK";
  3. You import the source database MEK into the target database:
    SQL> administer key management import keys 
         with secret "<another_strong_and_secure_password>"
         from '/home/oracle/secure_location/exported-keys'
         force keystore identified by "<target_database_MEK>"
         with backup;
  4. You start the Data Pump transportable tablespace import.

By querying v$encryption_keys, you can see that another key has been added to the database.

You can read more about export and import of MEKs in the documentation.

Option 3: Oracle Key Vault

If you are using Oracle Key Vault, it’s very easy to allow the target database to access the source database master encryption key.

When you perform the Data Pump transportable tablespace import in the target database, it will already have access to the encryption keys that protect the tablespaces. Nothing further is needed.

What About Rekeying?

If you make the source database encryption key available to the target database, consider whether you also want to perform a rekey operation. This applies to options 2 and 3.


If you use options 2 or 3, you will receive the below warning during Data Pump transportable tablespace export:

ORA-39396: Warning: exporting encrypted data using transportable option without password

This is expected behavior:

This warning points out that in order to successfully import such a transportable tablespace job, the target database wallet must contain a copy of the same database master key used in the source database when performing the export. Using the ENCRYPTION_PASSWORD parameter during the export and import eliminates this requirement.

Cross-endian Migration of TDE Encrypted Tablespaces

You can’t migrate an encrypted tablespace to a platform with a different endian format using transportable tablespace. It is not supported.

If you have an encrypted tablespace and you want to use transportable tablespace:

  1. Decrypt the tablespace
  2. Migrate the tablespace using transportable tablespace
  3. Re-encrypt the tablespace


Further Reading

Other Blog Posts in This Series

Transparent Data Encryption and Multitenant

In a multitenant environment where you want to use Transparent Data Encryption (TDE), you can do it in two ways:

  • United keystore mode. The default option. The CDB has a keystore, and all PDBs use that keystore. The encryption keys belong to each individual PDB, but the one keystore contains all the encryption keys.
  • Isolated keystore mode. Became available with 19.11.0 and in later versions. The CDB has a keystore that all PDBs can use, but you can configure a PDB to use its own keystore. If a PDB uses TDE in isolated mode, that PDB will physically have its own keystore, where only the TDE encryption keys get stored. PDBs that are not configured to use isolated mode, will put the encryption keys into the keystore of the CDB. Isolated mode is fairly new and is not fully supported yet by AutoUpgrade, OCI tooling, and other tools.

United mode is the easy way of doing things. You configure one keystore and then all PDBs can use that keystore.

Isolated mode is suitable when you want to completely isolate the PDBs and even keep the encryption keys separate. Moreover, you can have different passwords protecting the keystores. Isolated mode strengthens security but adds maintenance overhead; more keystores to backup and protect). Additionally, in isolated mode, each PDB can use a different kind of keystore. The CDB can use a software keystore (a file in the OS), PDB1 can use its own software keystore (another file in the OS), and PDB2 can store its encryption keys in Oracle Key Vault. More security and more flexibility.

Regardless of which keystore mode you plan to use, you always start by configuring TDE in united mode in the CDB. Afterward you can enable isolated mode in individual PDBs, if you want that.

How To Configure TDE

This procedure enables TDE in united mode. I will use a software keystore (a file in the OS):

  1. Create a directory where I will place the keystore. You can change $ORA_KEYBASE to another location.

    export ORA_KEYBASE=$ORACLE_BASE/admin/$ORACLE_SID/wallet
    #Don't change ORA_KEYSTORE
    mkdir -p $ORA_KEYSTORE
  2. Configure WALLET_ROOT to tell the database where I want to create the keystore files, and TDE_CONFIGURATION to tell the database to use a software keystore:

    alter session set container=cdb$root;
    alter system set wallet_root='$ORA_KEYBASE' scope=spfile;
    shutdown immediate
    alter system set tde_configuration='KEYSTORE_CONFIGURATION=FILE' scope=both;
  3. Now create the keystore and a TDE encryption key for CDB$ROOT. My TDE keystore password is oracle_4U; you should pick a better password:

    administer key management create keystore '$ORA_KEYSTORE' identified by "oracle_4U";
    administer key management set keystore open force keystore identified by "oracle_4U";
    administer key management set key identified by "oracle_4U" with backup;

    You can optionally use the CONTAINERS=ALL clause to set a TDE encryption key in all PDBs. Don’t do this if you plan on using isolated keystore later on:

    administer key management create keystore '$ORA_KEYSTORE' identified by "oracle_4U";
    administer key management set keystore open force keystore identified by "oracle_4U" container=all;
    administer key management set key identified by "oracle_4U" with backup container=all;
  4. Optionally, create an auto-login keystore. If you don’t, you must manually input the TDE keystore password every time the database starts.

    administer key management create local auto_login keystore from keystore '$ORA_KEYSTORE' identified by "oracle_4U";

That’s it. You can now start to create encrypted tablespaces:

create tablespace ... encryption encrypt;

I have now created the root keystore in the location defined by WALLET_ROOT. The database automatically adds a subfolder called tde. In that folder you find ewallet.p12 which is the actual software keystore of the CDB, and cwallet.sso which is the auto-login keystore:

$ pwd
$ ll
total 8
-rw-------. 1 oracle dba 4040 May 16 09:35 cwallet.sso
-rw-------. 1 oracle dba 3995 May 16 09:35 ewallet.p12

Configure Isolated Keystore

You can enable isolated mode in a PDB after you configure the CDB for united mode (the above procedure). The following assumes that TDE has not been configured yet in PDB1:

  1. Switch to the PDB and configure TDE_CONFIGURATION:
  2. Create the keystore and a TDE encryption key for the PDB. Notice I am giving my PDB keystore a different password:
  3. Optionally, create an auto-login keystore of the PDB keystore. If not, you need to manually input the TDE keystore password in the PDB every time it starts:

The PDB keystore is now placed in a subfolder of WALLET_ROOT matching the PDB GUID (D6A29777EC214B6FE055000000000001). You find similar files, ewallet.p12 and cwallet.sso in the dedicated folder for the isloated PDB keystore:

$ pwd
$ ll
total 8
-rw-------. 1 oracle dba 2120 May 16 09:37 cwallet.sso
-rw-------. 1 oracle dba 2059 May 16 09:35 ewallet.p12

To get the GUID of a PDB:

select name, guid from v$containers;

The database will automatically create the directories needed for the PDB keystore.

Migrating Between Keystore Modes

If you need to migrate between the two keystore modes, there are two commands you can use. oracle_4U is the keystore password of the root keystore; oracle_4U2 is the keystore password of the PDB keystore.

To migrate a PDB from united to isolated mode, i.e., to isolate a keystore:

alter session set container=PDB1;
administer key management
   force isolate keystore identified by "oracle_4U2" 
   from root keystore force keystore identified by "oracle_4U"
   with backup;

To migrate a PDB from isolated to united mode, i.e., to unite a PDB keystore into a root keystore:

alter session set container=PDB1;
administer key management
   unite keystore identified by "oracle_4U2" 
   with root keystore force keystore identified by "oracle_4U" 
   with backup;

To determine which keystore mode is in use:

select con_id, wrl_parameter, keystore_mode 
   from v$encryption_wallet;

Final Notes

If you want to use isolated keystore mode in 19.11, 19.12 or 19.13 you need to apply patch 32235513 as well. From 19.14 and onwards this is not needed.

Isolated mode used to be a cloud-only feature. But since 19.11 it has been made available to everyone.

Further Reading

AutoUpgrade and Secure External Password Store Enables Complete Automation

Many commands that involve Transparent Data Encryption (TDE) require inputting the TDE keystore password. Also, when you use AutoUpgrade. on an encrypted Oracle Database you probably need to store the TDE keystore password using the -load_password option.

Manually inputting passwords is unsuitable for an environment with a high degree of automation. In Oracle Database it is solved by Secure External Password Store (SEPS) (as of Oracle Database 12.2). In a previous blog post, I showed how you could use it to your advantage.

This blog post is about how to use AutoUpgrade together with SEPS.

Good News

As of version 22.2 AutoUpgrade fully supports Oracle Database with a Secure External Password Store. If SEPS contains the TDE keystore password, you don’t have to input the password using the -load_password option.

If you are using AutoUpgrade in some sort of automation (like Ansible), you should look into SEPS. AutoUpgrade can use SEPS when the TDE keystore password is needed, and you can upgrade and convert completely unattended.

How To

The Oracle Database DB12 is encrypted and on Oracle Database 12.2. I want to upgrade, convert, and plug it into CDB2 on Oracle Database 19c.

  1. Ensure that your Oracle Databases DB12 and CDB2 are properly configured with a Secure External Password Store and it contains the TDE keystore password.
  2. Ensure that AutoUpgrade is version 22.2 or higher:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version
  3. Create your AutoUpgrade config file and set global.keystore as specified in a previous blog post:
  4. Analyze:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode analyze
  5. The summary report tells me everything is fine; just go ahead. I don’t need to input the TDE keystore passwords:
    [Stage Name]    PRECHECKS
    [Status]        SUCCESS
    [Start Time]    2022-03-30 10:28:38
    [Log Directory] /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/autoupgrade/DB12/DB12/100/prechecks
    [Detail]        /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/autoupgrade/DB12/DB12/100/prechecks/db12_preupgrade.log
    				Check passed and no manual intervention needed
  6. Optionally, I can use the -load_password prompt to check the TDE configuration:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -load_password
    TDE> list
    |ORACLE_SID|Action Required|      TDE Password|SEPS Status|Active Wallet Type|
    |      CDB2|               |No password loaded|   Verified|               Any|
    |      DB12|               |No password loaded|    Unknown|        Auto-login|
    Action Required is empty and verifies that I don’t need to input the TDE keystore passwords. AutoUpgrade checked SEPS in CDB2 and found that it works. It is impossible to check SEPS in DB12 because it is on Oracle Database 12.2. The functionality was added in Oracle Database 19c.
  7. Start the upgrade and conversion:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode deploy
  8. That’s it!

What Happens

  • You must configure an AutoUpgrade keystore. Even though you are not loading any TDE keystore passwords, it is still required. Some commands require a passphrase (or transport secret) and AutoUpgrade must store them in its keystore.
  • Whenever a database is using SEPS, and a TDE keystore password is required, AutoUpgrade will use the IDENTIFIED BY EXTERNAL STORE clause.

What Else

You can mix and match. If only one database uses SEPS, you can input the other TDE keystore password manually using the -load_password option. AutoUpgrade will check your database configuration and ask only for the needed TDE keystore passwords.

Other Blog Posts in This Series

Upgrading an Encrypted Non-CDB and Converting To PDB

Converting an encrypted non-CDB to a PDB requires the keystore passwords of the non-CDB and the target CDB. You can do it with AutoUpgrade, and you can upgrade in the same operation.

How To

The Oracle Database DB12 is encrypted and on Oracle Database 12.2. I want to upgrade, convert, and plug it into CDB2 on Oracle Database 19c.

  1. Ensure that AutoUpgrade is version 22.2 or higher:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version
  2. Create your AutoUpgrade config file and set global.keystore as specified in a previous blog post:
  3. Analyze:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode analyze
  4. The summary report warns me that TDE keystore passwords are needed:
    [Stage Name]    PRECHECKS
    [Status]        FAILURE
    [Start Time]    2022-03-29 12:42:32
    [Log Directory] /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/autoupgrade/DB12/DB12/100/prechecks
    [Detail]        /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/autoupgrade/DB12/DB12/100/prechecks/db12_preupgrade.log
                Check failed for DB12, manual intervention needed for the below checks
    There are more details in the preupgrade log file:
    		1.  Perform the specified action ...
    		ORACLE_SID                      Action Required
    		------------------------------  ------------------------
    		CDB2                            Add TDE password
    		DB12                            Add TDE password
  5. Add the TDE keystore passwords into the AutoUpgrade keystore:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -load_password
    TDE> add DB12
    Enter your secret/Password:    
    Re-enter your secret/Password: 
    TDE> add CDB2
    Enter your secret/Password:    
    Re-enter your secret/Password: 
  6. Save the passwords into the AutoUpgrade keystore. I choose to create an auto-login keystore:
    TDE> save
    Convert the keystore to auto-login [YES|NO] ? YES
    TDE> exit
  7. Re-analyze the database:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode analyze
  8. If AutoUpgrade does not report any other problems, start the upgrade and conversion. Since I chose to create an AutoUpgrade auto-login keystore, I don’t have to provide the password when AutoUpgrade starts:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -mode deploy
  9. That’s it!

What Happens

  • First, AutoUpgrade upgrades the database to Oracle Database 19c. This is a regular non-CDB database upgrade. It requires an auto-login keystore.
  • After the upgrade, AutoUpgrade exports the encryption keys into a file. To avoid writing the encryption keys in clear text in the export file, the database needs a passphrase (transport secret) to encrypt the encryption key. AutoUpgrade generates a passphrase and stores it in the AutoUpgrade keystore. In addition, the database needs the keystore password. This is the WITH SECRET and IDENTIFIED BY clauses of the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT EXPORT KEYS statement.
  • The encryption keys is imported into CDB$ROOT of the target CDB. To load the encryption keys from the export file, the database needs the passphrase and keystore password (of the target CDB). AutoUpgrade gets both password from the AutoUpgrade keystore. This is the WITH SECRET and IDENTIFIED BY clauses of the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT IMPORT KEYS statement.
  • The pluggable database is created from the manifest file using CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE statement.
  • AutoUpgrade executes the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT IMPORT KEYS statement again – this time while connected to the PDB itself.
  • Finally, AutoUpgrade completes the PDB conversion by running noncdb_to_pdb.sql.

The encryption keys are imported two times – first in CDB$ROOT and then in the PDB itself. AutoUpgrade must import into CDB$ROOT if the PDB has any of the system tablespaces (SYSTEM or SYSAUX) or the undo tablespace encrypted.


AutoUpgrade fallback functionality also works for an upgrade and PDB conversion. But there are a few requirements:

  • A target_pdb_copy_option must be specified.
  • The database must be Enterprise Edition.
  • A guaranteed restore point must be created (default behavior).

It is not possible to revert the PDB conversion. To fall back the data files must be copied as part of the PDB conversion. You specify that the data files are copied by using the config file parameter target_pdb_copy_option. As an example, if I want to copy the data files during plug-in and generate OMF names, I use this parameter:


AutoUpgrade automatically creates a guaranteed restore point in the beginning of an upgrade. AutoUpgrade will issue a FLASHBACK DATABASE statement to revert the upgrade. The parameter restoration governs the creation of the restore point. The default value is YES, meaning AutoUpgrade creates a guaranteed restore point, and fallback is possible.

If all prerequisites are met, I can revert the entire operation and return the database to the original state (from 19c PDB back into a 12.2 non-CDB). 103 is the job id of the upgrade/PDB conversion:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config PDB1.cfg -restore -jobs 103

Other Blog Posts in This Series

Upgrading an Encrypted PDB

An unplug-plug upgrade of an encrypted PDB requires the keystore password of the source and target CDB, and you can do it with AutoUpgrade.

How To

The pluggable database PDB1 is encrypted and is plugged into CDB1, which is Oracle Database 12.2. I want to upgrade the PDB to Oracle Database 19c by plugging it into CDB2.

  1. Ensure that AutoUpgrade is version 22.2 or higher:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version
  2. Create your AutoUpgrade config file and set global.keystore as specified in a previous blog post:
  3. Analyze:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config PDB1.cfg -mode analyze
  4. The summary report warns me that TDE keystore passwords are needed:
    [Stage Name]    PRECHECKS
    [Status]        FAILURE
    [Start Time]    2022-03-29 07:58:52
    [Log Directory] /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/autoupgrade/PDB1/CDB1/100/prechecks
    [Detail]        /u01/app/oracle/cfgtoollogs/autoupgrade/PDB1/CDB1/100/prechecks/cdb1_preupgrade.log
    		Check failed for PDB1, manual intervention needed for the below checks
    There are more details in the preupgrade log file:
    		1.  Perform the specified action ...
    		ORACLE_SID                      Action Required
    		------------------------------  ------------------------
    		CDB1                            Add TDE password
    		CDB2                            Add TDE password
  5. Add the TDE keystore passwords into the AutoUpgrade keystore:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config PDB1.cfg -load_password
    TDE> add CDB1
    Enter your secret/Password:    
    Re-enter your secret/Password: 
    TDE> add CDB2
    Enter your secret/Password:    
    Re-enter your secret/Password: 
  6. Save the passwords into the AutoUpgrade keystore. I choose to create an auto-login keystore:
    TDE> save
    Convert the keystore to auto-login [YES|NO] ? YES
    TDE> exit
  7. Re-analyze the PDB:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config PDB1.cfg -mode analyze
  8. If AutoUpgrade does not report any other problems, start the unplug-plug upgrade. Since I chose to create an AutoUpgrade auto-login keystore, I don’t have to provide the password when AutoUpgrade starts:
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config PDB1.cfg -mode deploy
  9. That’s it!

What Happens

  • When AutoUpgrade needs to unplug the encrypted PDB into a manifest file, the source CDB will need the TDE keystore password. AutoUpgrade can get it from its keystore. This is the IDENTIFIED BY clause of the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ... UNPLUG INTO statement.
  • The encryption keys of the PDB go into the manifest file. The database doesn’t want to write the encryption keys in clear text in the manifest file and asks for a passphrase that can encrypt the encryption keys. AutoUpgrade generates a passphrase and stores the passphrase in the AutoUpgrade keystore. This is the ENCRYPT USING clause of the ALTER PLUGGABLE DATABASE ... UNPLUG INTO statement.
  • When the PDB plugs into the target CDB, the target CDB will need the TDE keystore password. This is the IDENTIFIED BY clause of the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ... USING statement.
  • The database must get the encryption keys of the PDB from the manifest files. The encryption keys are encrypted using a passphrase. The database asks AutoUpgrade about the passphrase which is stored in the AutoUpgrade keystore. This is the DECRYPT USING clause of the CREATE PLUGGABLE DATABASE ... USING statement.


AutoUpgrade fallback functionality also works on an encrypted PDB. When it comes to unplug-plug upgrades and fallback capability, it is a requirement that the data files were copied as part of the upgrade process.

In the above example, a fallback using AutoUpgrade would not be possible. Since I did not specify a target_pdb_copy_option the data files were re-used. Other means of falling back to the original state is needed.

Had I specified a target_pdb_copy_option in my config file, a fallback would be possible. In the below example, I am specifying a copy option. file_name_convert=none means that the data files are copied and new OMF names are generated:


In this case, I can revert the unplug-plug upgrade and return to the original state using AutoUpgrade. 103 is the job id of the upgrade:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config PDB1.cfg -restore -jobs 103

Isolated Keystore Mode

In CDBs the default way of storing TDE encryption keys is in a united keystore. The CDB has one keystore and all PDBs store their encryption keys in that one keystore.

With Oracle Database 19.14 a new option became possible: isolated keystore. The CDB still has a keystore that PDBs can use. But you can also configure each individual PDB to use its own keystore.

Currently, AutoUpgrade does not support isolated keystore mode. But we are working on it.

Other Blog Posts in This Series

Upgrading an Encrypted Non-CDB or CDB

Upgrading a non-CDB or an entire CDB is straightforward with AutoUpgrade. There is only one requirement:

  • An auto-login keystore must be present.

Upgrade Non-CDB and CDB

The auto-login keystore enables the database to open the TDE keystore without a DBA manually entering the keystore password. During a database upgrade, the database will restart multiple times. The upgrade process embeds the restarts, and there is no way for a DBA to intervene halfway to enter the TDE keystore password. Hence, it is required to use an auto-login keystore.

You can query the database for the type of the TDE keystore:

SQL> select wallet_type from v$encryption_wallet;


It must be an AUTOLOGIN keystore or a LOCAL_AUTOLOGIN. I like the local autologin keystore because it adds an additional layer of security.

When a proper keystore is in place, you can start the upgrade.

Keystore Location and WALLET_ROOT

The Oracle Database must know where to find the TDE keystore. It will look in the following locations in the following order:

  • As of Oracle Database 19c, WALLET_ROOT initialization parameter.
  • ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION sqlnet.ora parameter.
  • $ORACLE_BASE/admin/DB_UNIQUE_NAME/wallet
  • $ORACLE_HOME/admin/DB_UNIQUE_NAME/wallet

Oracle recommends using the parameter WALLET_ROOT when your database is on Oracle Database 19c. The parameter is introduced in Oracle Database 19c, and all other methods have been deprecated.

It is easier to configure the TDE keystore using WALLET_ROOT than sqlnet.ora. AutoUpgrade can implement the changes needed to switch to the WALLET_ROOT parameter as part of an upgrade . I recommend doing that.


Often, sqlnet.ora defines the TDE keystore configuration. This means that the TNS_ADMIN location is important.

TNS_ADMIN defaults to $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin. But sometimes, it is relocated either via a profile (like .bashrc) or using srvctl setenv database. AutoUpgrade fully supports both methods.

But it does happen from time to time that there are issues with the TNS_ADMIN location. Recently, I saw it at a customer. The customer used a dedicated sqlnet.ora for each database. The parameter ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION was unique in each of the sqlnet.ora files. They had issues with their profiles and AutoUpgrade picked up the wrong sqlnet.ora. This caused AutoUpgrade to report issues with the TDE keystore during analyze phase.

Luckily, there is functionality in AutoUpgrade to override the TNS_ADMIN location:

You can put them into the config file. AutoUpgrade will set the TNS_ADMIN environment variable before executing any command. That will effectively override any other TNS_ADMIN setting:


Usually, I would not recommend using these parameters. In most cases, the correct TNS_ADMIN location is set and all is good. Use only when you encounter issues.

Other Blog Posts in This Series

AutoUpgrade and Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)

It is now easier to upgrade and convert your encrypted Oracle Database. The latest version of AutoUpgrade adds much better support for Oracle Databases that are encrypted with Transparent Data Encryption (TDE).

You must ensure that you are using the latest version of AutoUpgrade. You can download it from My Oracle Support AutoUpgrade Tool (Doc ID 2485457.1). At the time of writing, the latest version of AutoUpgrade is 22.2:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version
build.version 22.2.220324

AutoUpgrade Keystore

Dealing with TDE, also means dealing with sensitive information. AutoUpgrade must adequately protect the TDE keystore passwords. To do so, AutoUpgrade can have its own keystore to store sensitive information, i.e., TDE keystore passwords. Whenever a TDE keystore password is needed, e.g., during an unplug-plug upgrade of an encrypted PDB, it can get the password from the AutoUpgrade keystore.

You need to tell AutoUpgrade where it can create the keystore. You do so in the config file:


When you start to use the AutoUpgrade keystore the following files are created in the directory:

$ pwd

$ ll
-rw-------. 1 oracle dba 765 Mar 28 14:56 cwallet.sso
-rw-------. 1 oracle dba 720 Mar 28 14:56 ewallet.p12

It is similar to other keystores that Oracle Database use. ewallet.p12 is the keystore, and cwallet.sso is an auto-login keystore used to open the real keystore. You don’t have to create an auto-login keystore.

You should protect the AutoUpgrade keystore files like you protect any other Oracle Database keystore:

  • Apply restrictive file system permissions.
  • Audit access.
  • Back it up.

Using the Keystore

Create your AutoUpgrade config file and specify global.keystore as described above. Start an interactive prompt that allows you to add the necessary passwords:

$ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config DB12.cfg -load_password

The first time you use the AutoUpgrade keystore, you must provide a password that protects the AutoUpgrade keystore:

Starting AutoUpgrade Password Loader - Type help for available options
Creating new keystore - Password required
Enter password:       
Enter password again: 
Keystore was successfully created

In the TDE console, the following commands are available:

  • add
  • delete
  • list
  • save
  • help
  • exit

The SID references the databases. If you want to add a TDE password for the database DB12, use the following command:

TDE> add DB12
Enter your secret/Password:    
Re-enter your secret/Password: 
TDE> add CDB2
Enter your secret/Password:    
Re-enter your secret/Password: 

If you want to delete the TDE password for DB12:

TDE> delete DB12

Keystore Password is required prior to operation
Enter wallet password:   

When you save the passwords into the AutoUpgrade keystore, you must decide whether you want to have an auto-login keystore:

TDE> save
Convert the keystore to auto-login [YES|NO] ? 

I recommend using auto-login keystores. If you do not create an AutoUpgrade auto-login keystore, you will be prompted for the AutoUpgrade keystore password when you start AutoUpgrade. If you want to use AutoUpgrade in noconsole mode (-noconsole), then an auto-login keystore is required.

I will show how to upgrade and convert encrypted databases in later blog posts.

Loss of AutoUpgrade Keystore

What happens if your AutoUpgrade keystore is lost? This is fairly simple. You can re-create the keystore and load all passwords into it using the load_password command line option as described above.

Preupgrade Checks

We have added new preupgrade checks to the analyze phase in AutoUpgrade. These checks will help you to provide the needed passwords and ensure your TDE configuration meets certain standards:

  • auto_login_keystore_required
  • keystore_conflict
  • no_keystore_files
  • tde_passwords_required
  • wallet_root
  • tde_in_use
  • oracle_home_keystore

You can read more about these checks in MOS note Database Preupgrade tool check list. (Doc ID 2380601.1).

Further Reading

Other Blog Posts in This Series

How To Upgrade An Encrypted Oracle Database and Convert to PDB

New functionality superseeds the functionality mentioned in this blog post. Please use the method described in Upgrading an Encrypted Non-CDB and Converting To PDB.

Using AutoUpgrade, you can upgrade your encrypted Oracle Database and convert to a pluggable database. The process is not entirely automated, so you must handle the TDE encryption key manually.

A new parameter called skip_tde_key_import is introduced. Here is what the documentation says:

(Optional) The default is NO. You can use this option for non-CDB-to-PDB and unplug/plug operations. When set to YES, the upgrade is run, but import of the source database KeyStore into the target database is skipped, without raising an error. AutoUpgrade will leave the PDB open in upgrade mode, so that you can import the keys manually yourself. After you import the keys, you must then restart the database in normal mode.

In other words, AutoUpgrade does everything except import of the TDE encryption key.

How To

This is what happens: Overview of upgrading to Oracle Database 19c of database encrypted with TDE and convert to a PDB

AutoUpgrade handles the green things – you handle the yellow thing. My environment:

  1. Non-CDB called FTEX running on Oracle Database
  2. FTEX is encrypted with TDE and has an auto-login keystore
  3. CDB called CDB2 running on Oracle Database 19c
  4. CDB2 is prepared for TDE and has a keystore defined

First, I ensure that AutoUpgrade is version 21.2 or newer:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version

I create a config file for AutoUpgrade. Notice, that I have specified that the database is plugged into CDB2 using the parameter target_cdb. Also, notice that I have specified the new parameter skip_tde_key_import and set it to YES:


Then, I analyze my database (FTEX) for any issues:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config FTEX.cfg -mode analyze

No issues are detected, so I proceed with the upgrade:

java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config FTEX.cfg -mode deploy

After the upgrade and conversion to PDB, I log on to CDB2. I want to check the outcome. Has FTEX been upgraded and converted?

SQL> select name, open_mode, restricted from v$pdbs

FTEX      READ WRITE   YES                

Open – but restricted. I check for plug-in violations:

SQL> select cause, type, message, status, action 
     from pdb_plug_in_violations 
     where name = 'FTEX' AND status not in ('RESOLVED')

CAUSE                TYPE       MESSAGE                                STATUS     ACTION
Wallet Key Needed    ERROR      PDB needs to import keys from source.  PENDING    Import keys from source.    

OK. This is expected. AutoUpgrade does not handle the TDE encryption key. See the yellow part of the arrow above. You have to do that.

I start by merging the two keystores – the keystore of the old non-CDB database (FTEX) and the keystore of the CDB (CDB2). I merge the two keystores into the one of CDB2:

CDB$ROOT SQL> administer key management 
   merge keystore '/u01/app/oracle/admin/FTEX/wallet' identified by "oracle_4U" 
   into existing keystore '/u01/app/oracle/admin/CDB2/wallet/tde' identified by "oracle_4U" 
   with backup using 'merge_keystore';

Notice that I have specified the folders of keystores and not the actually file names. I have also specified the keystore password for both the keystores. And, finally, I tell the database to create a backup of the keystore before the merge (as a precaution – and I recommend always doing that).

Now, I switch to the FTEX PDB. I need to configure FTEX to use the TDE encryption key that is merged from the old keystore. Each key in the keystore has a key ID and I tell the PDB to use the right one. I explain later on how to determine the key ID:

CDB$ROOT SQL> alter session set container=FTEX;

FTEX SQL> administer key management 
   force keystore identified by "oracle_4U" 
   with backup using 'use_key_ftex';

Now, the PDB knows the TDE encryption key and you can actually start to query data from an encrypted tablespace. However, there is still a plug-in violation saying the TDE encryption key has to be imported. The PDB insists that the encryption key is imported – rather than merged into the keystore. So I will export the key from the PDB and import it again:

FTEX SQL> administer key management 
   export keys with secret "secret-passphrase" 
   to '/etc/oracle/exported-keys-ftex' force keystore identified by "oracle_4U";
FTEX SQL> administer key management 
   import keys with secret "secret-passphrase" 
   from '/etc/oracle/exported-keys-ftex' force keystore identified by "oracle_4U" 
   with backup using 'import_key_ftex';
FTEX SQL> host rm /etc/oracle/exported-keys-ftex

The encryption key is saved in an encrypted file in the OS. The file is encrypted using a passphrase (secret-passphrase), and you should pick a better one than I did. Finally – and important – I remove the file from the OS when I am done. I don’t want my encryption keys lying around in files all over the OS.

I restart the FTEX PDB:

FTEX SQL> alter pluggable database FTEX close immediate;
FTEX SQL> alter pluggable database FTEX open;

And the PDB is now open in READ WRITE mode and unrestricted

SQL> select name, open_mode, restricted from v$pdbs


I check for plug-in violations:

SQL> select cause, type, message, status, action 
     from pdb_plug_in_violations 
     where name = 'FTEX' AND status not in ('RESOLVED')

No rows selected.

Job done! Encrypted database upgraded and converted to a PDB.

Determine Key ID

Use the orapki utility to determine the key ID of the TDE encryption key. Specify the location of the old non-CDB keystore:

orapki wallet display -wallet /u01/app/oracle/admin/FTEX/wallet

Oracle PKI Tool : Version - Production
Copyright (c) 2004, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Requested Certificates: 
User Certificates:
Oracle Secret Store entries: 
Trusted Certificates: 
Subject:        OU=Class 1 Public Primary Certification Authority,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US
Subject:        OU=Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US
Subject:        OU=Class 2 Public Primary Certification Authority,O=VeriSign\, Inc.,C=US
Subject:        OU=Secure Server Certification Authority,O=RSA Data Security\, Inc.,C=US
Subject:        CN=GTE CyberTrust Global Root,OU=GTE CyberTrust Solutions\, Inc.,O=GTE Corporation,C=US

The TDE encryption key is starting with ORACLE.SECURITY.DB.ENCRYPTION and doesn’t end on MASTERKEY. In the above example the key ID is Ad8l2SYuf0/dv+6Au9tRmAIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.

If your non-CDB is Oracle Database 12c or later you can also get the key ID using a view:

SQL> select key_id from v$encryption_keys where key_use='TDE';

Why Do I Need to Export and Import?

Above you saw that I had to export and import the encryption keys, even after merging the keystores. You might ask: Why is that even needed? Why is the ADMINISTER KEY MANAGEMENT MERGE KEYSTORE command not enough? That’s a very good question. I have reached out to our security people to get their take on it. It sounds like a bug to me.

The Future

The above solution makes it easier to handle encrypted databases. But we are not satisfied yet. A future version of AutoUpgrade will have even better support for encrypted databases, and everything will be automated.

The biggest issue for us is to find a safe way to handle the TDE keystore password. We need to have a safe way of getting the password from you and storing it in memory until we actually need it.

We are just about to start testing the very first version of AutoUpgrade with proper TDE support. If you are interested in becoming a beta tester, reach out to me to work something out.


Converting encrypted databases to PDB is now possible in AutoUpgrade. AutoUpgrade mainly handles the process, but you have to manage the TDE encryption keys yourself.

New functionality superseeds the functionality mentioned in this blog post. Please use the method described in Upgrading an Encrypted Non-CDB and Converting To PDB.

Future-proof Your Encrypted Database During Upgrade

In Oracle Database 19c, use of sqlnet.ora to define the keystore (or wallet) location has been deprecated. Instead you should use the database parameter WALLET_ROOT. If you upgrade to Oracle Database 19c with AutoUpgrade, it has become a lot easier. Let AutoUpgrade do the work for you.

How To

If you instruct AutoUpgrade to use the new encryption parameters it will not only add the parameters to the SPFile but also copy the keystore file to the location defined. This is what you have to do:

  1. Create a text file which contains the definition of WALLET_ROOT and TDE_CONFIGURATION. I call it /tmp/au-pfile-tde. Optionally, change the location of the keystore to fit your organization.
  1. Instruct AutoUpgrade to add those parameter during and after upgrade. Add the following to your AutoUpgrade config file:

That’s it! AutoUpgrade will detect that you are changing the keystore location, and it will copy the keystore files to the new location at the appropriate time.


  • When you use WALLET_ROOT the keystore files should always be stored in a subfolder called tde. This means that the keystore files will end up in /etc/oracle/keystores/$ORACLE_SID/tde. You should not add /tde manually to WALLET_ROOT. The database will do that automatically when it looks up the keystore.
  • If you want to move the keystore into ASM, there is a special procedure that you must follow. AutoUpgrade can’t do that for you. Check How To Migrate TDE Wallet From Local OS File System to ASM ? (Doc ID 2369614.1).

Now What

Since you have moved the keystore files to a new location there are some things that you should take care of:

  • You can remove the sqlnet.ora parameter ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION. It is not used anymore.
  • The keystore files that were stored in the old location (that defined by ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION) can be moved manually to a backup location. I would never recommend that you delete keystore files – NEVER! Instead move the old files to a backup location and keep them there.
  • The keystore files are to be considered critical and contain sensitive information, so ensure that the new location has the same security measures as the old one – like:
    • Restricted file permissions
    • Auditing
    • Backup


Traditionally, if you have an encrypted database, you need to define the keystore location in sqlnet.ora using the parameter ENCRYPTION_WALLET_LOCATION. You would set it to something like this:


For many reasons, sqlnet.ora was not a good location for this parameter, and especially with the introduction of isolated keystore mode, a new method was needed.

In came WALLET_ROOT and TDE_CONFIGURATION database initialization parameters. The former, WALLET_ROOT, defines the location of the keystore. The latter, TDE_CONFIGURATION, defines which kind of keystore is in use. Typically, it is set to FILE – that’s when you use a software keystore (a file in the OS). But it could also be OKV if you are Oracle Key Vault. For a software keystore you would set it to something like:


Now, the database finds the keystore location using the WALLET_ROOT parameter which is much more smooth.

As of Oracle Database 19c, configuration the keystore using sqlnet.ora has been deprecated, and as with any other deprecated functionality, you should move to a fully supported alternative.

Further Reading

Other Blog Posts in This Series