Upgrade Base Database Cloud Service to Oracle Database 23c

Here’s a cool way of upgrading your database in OCI to Oracle Database 23c. I will move my PDB to a new Base Database System using refreshable clone PDBs and AutoUpgrade.

The benefit of using this approach is:

  • Shorter downtime than an in-place upgrade.
  • A brand-new Base Database System, which means the operating system and Oracle Grid Infrastructure is already on a newer version.

My Environment

I have one PDB that I want to upgrade. It’s called SALES.


  • Base Database System on 19.20.0
  • Name DBS19


  • Base Database System on 23.3.0
  • Name DBS23

How To

Prepare AutoUpgrade

  • I must use a version of AutoUpgrade that supports upgrades to Oracle Database 23c, and I must have AutoUpgrade on the source and target system.
    $ java -jar autoupgrade.jar -version
  • At the time of writing, the latest version of AutoUpgrade on My Oracle Support does not support 23 as a target release. Instead, I copy AutoUpgrade from the target Oracle Home (on DBS23) to the source Oracle Home (on DBS19). This version allows upgrades to Oracle Database 23c.
  • I create an AutoUpgrade config file, named sales.cfg, which I store on both servers:
    upg1.source_dblink.SALES=CLONEPDB 600
    upg1.start_time=05/11/2023 02:00:00
    • I must specify global.keystore to allow AutoUpgrade to create a keystore to work with my encrypted PDB.
    • source_home and target_home list the Oracle Home of the source and target CDB, respectively. It doesn’t matter that the two homes existing on one server only.
    • sid and target_cdb contain the SID of the source and target CDB, respectively.
    • pdbs contains the name of the PDB I want to upgrade, sales. If needed, I could specify more PDBs.
    • source_dblink has the name of the database link (CLONEPDB) and the rate at which the target CDB brings over redo and rolls forward the copy (600 seconds or 10 minutes).
    • I want to use ASM and Oracle Managed Files, so I set target_pdb_copy_option accordingly.
    • Since my source and target CDB are not on the same host, AutoUpgrade can’t automatically determine the target version. I specify that manually using target_version.
    • start_time specifies when downtime starts. At this point, AutoUpgrade refreshes the PDB for the last time and then moves on with the upgrade.

Prepare Source PDB

  • I connect to the source PDB. I create a user (for a database link) and grant privileges:

    create user dblinkuser identified by ... ;
    grant create session, 
          create pluggable database, 
          select_catalog_role to dblinkuser;
    grant read on sys.enc$ to dblinkuser;
  • After the upgrade, I can drop the user again.

Prepare Target CDB

  • I connect to the target CDB and create a database link pointing to my source PDB:
    create database link clonepdb
    connect to dblinkuser
    identified by dblinkuser
    using '<connection-string-to-source-pdb>';

Analyze and Fix Source PDB

  • First, I analyze the source PDB for upgrade readiness. On the source system:
    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config sales.cfg -mode analyze
  • The summary report lists the following precheck failures, which I safely ignore:
    • TDE_PASSWORDS_REQUIRED – I will fix that on the target system.
    • TARGET_CDB_AVAILABILITY – the target CDB is remote, and AutoUpgrade can’t analyze it.
  • Then, I execute the preupgrade fixups:
    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config sales.cfg -mode fixups
    • This changes my source PDB, so I do it as close to my maintenance window as possible.


  • Since my PDB is encrypted, I must add the source and target CDB keystore password to the AutoUpgrade keystore. I start the TDE console on the target host:

    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config sales.cfg -load_password
  • In the TDE console, I add the keystore passwords of the source and target CDB:

    TDE> add CDB19
    Enter your secret/Password:    
    Re-enter your secret/Password: 
    TDE> add CDB23
    Enter your secret/Password:    
    Re-enter your secret/Password: 
  • I save the passwords and convert the AutoUpgrade keystore to an auto-login keystore:

    TDE> save
    Convert the keystore to auto-login [YES|NO] ? 
  • I start AutoUpgrade in deploy mode:

    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config sales.cfg -mode deploy
    • AutoUpgrade copies the data files over the database link.
    • Rolls the copies of the data files forward with redo from the source.
    • At one point, issues a final refresh and disconnects the PDB from the source.
    • Upgrades the PDB.
  • I have now upgraded my PDB to Oracle Database 23c.

The Fine Print

You should:

  • Check the words for caution in my previous blog post on AutoUpgrade and refreshable clone PDBs.
  • Start a new full backup of the target database after the migration.
  • Familiarize yourself with the concept of the AutoUpgrade keystore.

Also, notice:

  • The PDB is now on a different Base Database System. You need to update your connection string.
  • The source PDB must be Oracle Database 19c or newer to upgrade directly to Oracle Database 23c.
  • The OCI console will recognize and display the new PDB after a while. You don’t have to do anything … than to wait for the automatic sync job.

2 thoughts on “Upgrade Base Database Cloud Service to Oracle Database 23c

  1. where you run below command on the source DB node or target node

    java -jar autoupgrade.jar -config sales.cfg -load_password


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